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Free Char/Word/Line Counter Online

Character, Word & Line Counter Tool is a free online tool that will let you quickly calculate and count the number of characters, words, and lines in your text.

Characters 0
Words 0
Lines 0

About Char/Word/Line Counter Tools

The Char/Word/Line Counter is a dynamic online tool used for counting paragraphs, sentences, characters and words and also pages right i your browser just by using javascript.

Another utility of the Char/Word/Line Counter is that the tool specifically designed for copywriters and digital marketers is able to track your text length against common web requirements or standards like the Twitter tweet char limt which is 140 characters long, Google meta description length which must be roughly 300 and Facebook post's average character length which should be close to 250 characters. Snipp-it's list of free online tools and offerings is ever growing. If you see some value in a new feature or a new tool, simply let us know and we will definitely try to create it!

How to use the Tool

Use the Char/Word/Line Counter by typing directly into the text area above or pasting your content directly into the text area. Word and character counts will display at the bottom.

You can also download the results displayed into a text file for future reference.