What is Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply a placeholder string/text used in the typesetting and printing industry. This text continues to be the standard placeholder text for the print and electronic media ever since the 1500s, when a printer, unknown to history, scrambled random letters to create a simple and illegible type specimen book out of the random text.
Lorem Ipsum text, not only survived nearly for five centuries, but also continued the jump into electronic media and typesetting without being changed at all.
Lorem Ipsum was popularised in the late 1960s with the release of the famous Letraset sheets that had the Lorem Ipsum paragrapsh printed on them, and quite recently in the computer age, many desktop publishing softwares started including versions of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text.
Why do we use Lorem Ipsum?
To put is in simple words, we use the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text because it does not make any sense and remains illegible. It server simply as a placeholder text, so no need to give out any meaningful messaging in the printed space. The Lorem Ipsum text is intended to stand out on any page, whether printed or webpage.
When someone is reviewing a template and its layout, say a client or a designer, they usually become easily distracted by the placeholder Lorem Ipsum dummy text and will lose focus on the actual site/page design itself. The text looks/reads more natural than just repeating any common placeholder phrase like ‘example content here’ or the ‘sample content here’. Using the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text naturally gives a flavour or look and feel of what the final design or page might look like.
How to use the Free Lorem Ipsum Generator
You can use our free Online Lorem Ipsum Generator Tool right now without any login or download. It is completely free for all kins of usage and is also very a simple to use online tool. Firstly, in the above section, choose the type of data you want to generate and input the number of items you want to generate in the second field.
Once you did provide ala the necessary inputs, you may click on the Generate button to generate dummy Lorem Ipsum text. This will now begin to scramble the existing text to generate part of the the Lorem Ipsum text based on the inputs which you have selected and provided in the above fields. You can also copy the entire text for all of your printing needs completely for free. If you like the tool, please do provide a link to our website or this page, no pressure though, this will enable us help many more like you.
You can also download the entire Lorem Ipsum text in a .txt file once you have generated your Lorem Ipsum text using our free Lorem Ipsum Generator, just scroll down till you see the Download button. You can either copy the entire text or click on the Download button to get the results in a text file. Your text will start downloading immediatley.